This is a poem from a good few years ago, it's kind of a fairy tale really. My wife asked me to put it up - as if I needed to give people another reason to ridicule me! Anyway here it is in all it's corniness...
Hundreds of millions of people find love,
But I see so much more here, bestowed from above.
Seeing them sit there, together, alone,
Something between them, so long carved in stone.
I asked him one day, was it always the same?
He smiled and said nothing but his eyes spelled her name.
The effect that they have upon others is strong,
Seeing something so sacred gives strength to go on.
But this passes them by being blindly content,
Each engulfed in the other, each kiss an event.
So after five decades of wishes fulfilled
He slipped his worn hand into hers and was still.
His last thought was spoken and will live long in my head,
Here, to his wife is the last thing he said…
“You are the half that makes me whole,
You are my life, you are my soul,
So as I lay me down to sleep
I pray to God my soul to keep”.
The life left his body and passed through the room
And sailed towards the sky like a ghostly balloon.
She lasted mere minutes before leaving us too
And they sailed up together, a life to renew.
We know where they went to, so good and so fair,
And heaven burned brighter for having them there.
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