Director – David Dobkin.
Cast – Vince Vaughan, Paul Giamatti, Miranda Richardson, Rachel Weisz, Kevin Spacey.
Vince Vaughan has been receiving many plaudits for his performance in the critically acclaimed Into The Wild recently. But here we see him back on familiar ground in the Christmas family comedy Fred Claus. Starring as Santa’s older but not wiser brother Fred he is earning his living as a repo man in New York City. The fact that one brother spends his time giving and the other spends his time taking away is the first of their many none-too-subtle differences. And when Fred needs $50,000 in a hurry the quickest way to earn it is to work for his brother coming up to Christmas.
The fish out of water shenanigans that ensue are disappointingly predictable but I didn’t sit down with my popcorn expecting anything different. What I did expect however was sharp, funny and inventive dialogue and this is where the film really fails. The script is not terrible and there are some clever moments and the odd smart quip. But in the major Christmas release starring one of the main players in Hollywood I was looking forward to something fresh, something individual. That’s not to say it doesn’t try with a cast of genuine acting talent such as Paul Giamatti as Santa, Kathy Bates as his mother and Kevin Spacey as the bad guy. Clearly it was a spare no expense budget too with the North Pole and Santa’s workshop lavishly realised.
But there is just something missing. Kathy Bates is under used, Paul Giamatti is just another Santa and Kevin Spacey is just not a scary enough bad guy. The running time of around two hours is about half an hour too long and this half an hour could have been trimmed from the saggy middle section of the film. It begins well and one of the early scenes where Fred is talking to/at a young boy called Slam bodes well for some fast paced comedy wrapped around a traditional Christmas film. But we don’t see too much of Slam after that. The slow middle section lilts along then before the last quarter where lessons are learned and loose ends are tied. The best and worst thing I can say about Fred Claus is that it is fine. But hey, at least there are no song and dance numbers!
Cast – Vince Vaughan, Paul Giamatti, Miranda Richardson, Rachel Weisz, Kevin Spacey.
Vince Vaughan has been receiving many plaudits for his performance in the critically acclaimed Into The Wild recently. But here we see him back on familiar ground in the Christmas family comedy Fred Claus. Starring as Santa’s older but not wiser brother Fred he is earning his living as a repo man in New York City. The fact that one brother spends his time giving and the other spends his time taking away is the first of their many none-too-subtle differences. And when Fred needs $50,000 in a hurry the quickest way to earn it is to work for his brother coming up to Christmas.
The fish out of water shenanigans that ensue are disappointingly predictable but I didn’t sit down with my popcorn expecting anything different. What I did expect however was sharp, funny and inventive dialogue and this is where the film really fails. The script is not terrible and there are some clever moments and the odd smart quip. But in the major Christmas release starring one of the main players in Hollywood I was looking forward to something fresh, something individual. That’s not to say it doesn’t try with a cast of genuine acting talent such as Paul Giamatti as Santa, Kathy Bates as his mother and Kevin Spacey as the bad guy. Clearly it was a spare no expense budget too with the North Pole and Santa’s workshop lavishly realised.
But there is just something missing. Kathy Bates is under used, Paul Giamatti is just another Santa and Kevin Spacey is just not a scary enough bad guy. The running time of around two hours is about half an hour too long and this half an hour could have been trimmed from the saggy middle section of the film. It begins well and one of the early scenes where Fred is talking to/at a young boy called Slam bodes well for some fast paced comedy wrapped around a traditional Christmas film. But we don’t see too much of Slam after that. The slow middle section lilts along then before the last quarter where lessons are learned and loose ends are tied. The best and worst thing I can say about Fred Claus is that it is fine. But hey, at least there are no song and dance numbers!
Hey Steve, I'm watching your show on RTE right now... I can totally relate to where you're at, as I worked in engineering tech support for 5 years, and it's a soul destroying job (tech support is really horrible). Getting out of that was the best thing I ever did. I'm now back in college- studying programming for my sins, which I love.
I really recommend doing a course in something you actually want to do. It's hard at the time, but it's worth making the sacrifice to put you where you want to be.
Anyway, good luck, and thanks for sharing your story.
Hi Steve, also seen you on rte. It echos my own life, 8 years spent in a job and industry I no longer believe in and now I am looking do something creative and worth while with my life. Looking at colleges for sep in film & media (really change things up)
I love movies and video games too, In 1 room I have 2 xbox 360s, a wii, psp, 2 pc's, dvd player and can play xbox live for up to 8 hrs 3 days a week. In other words why the hell was i doing a job when i clearly like fun creative things, anyway congrats and welldone hope i see you online in call of duty 4, all the best
Thanks for taking the time to post a comment nellboy. I hope college continues to go well for you. I guess if you love what you are studying that's half the battle. There are a couple of courses I may do, I'm still trembling like a leaf after last night (I am off work today but back tomorrow!) but when the dust settles I'll have a better idea of where I'm going....I hope! Take care.
Hiya Shane, thanks for posting too, it's gas, everyone's so decent. I was fairly sure I'd get a couple of odd comments at the very least!
A friend of mine strongly recommends the Film And Media degree in UCD but you need to have a bachelor of arts (which I don't) to qualify for it. It might be worth looking into. Then again he did it and now works in Eircom?!
Sounds like you are single handedly keeping the video game industry going - 2 xBoxes?!?! Good on you. Believe it or not I've never been on xBox Live, we have mobile broadband and I've never got around to figuring out how to hook up to xBox Live. I've heard it's amazing though so I'll have to get myself together here.
I hope everything works out for you, take care.
Cheers Steve, I was thinking, don't let your experiences in tech support turn you off IT - (tech support really is a disaster as far as job satisfaction goes)
something like web development can be very creatively fulfilling - and it isn't as technically difficult as say C++ or Java... You can do a bit of graphic design if you also know a bit about PHP development etc... And you can develop cool web pages for the stuff that you're interested in...
I signed up for video tutorials at www.lynda.com ... could be good for you... covers a very wide range of creative web development tools... audio/video/graphics/software...
May not be what you're into, but if you want any more info about that, drop me an email: nellboy@gmail.com
In any case, it's always good to shake things up if things are a bit uninspiring... Like i said - it's difficult, but worth it
Hi Steve, I am looking at doing a fas course in film & media, like yourself i havent got a bachelor of arts so I believe once I finish a year in Tralee I can drop somewhere into a degree course I am not to sure, I have to look more into what i am going to do, I can apply via cao has a mature student if theres a course i can take(god i hate to be using mature) I am 27. I know what you mean, I have talked to people who loved these media & film courses but are working in other areas... I think your right about I.T, I was a web design/developer for 2 years and it just took the spirit right out of me, you want something more creative and fun, hopefully you will find it. I looked at boards.ie to find strings about mobile broadband users and xbox live, here is a string I found
people talk about their experiences on mobile broadband using xbox live, do you live in a black spot area for broadband which is why you use the mobile broadband, if you get a taste of xbox live you'll be hooked, I dont know if thats a good thing, lol
Hi nellboy,
Thanks a million for all your advice, it's good to hear how somebody has actually approached such a drastic change in direction. I'll check out www.lynda.com and who knows, maybe I'll sign up for something and find a whole new direction too....
If I could borrow some of your passion and enthusiasm I think I'll be grand!
Hi Shane,
Mature at 27 eh? Get used to it, you're only three years away from the big three zero and that's practically middle aged!
If you go for the FAS course I hope it works out well for you. At the very least I guess it'll be time spent doing something you are interested in so either way you win.
You're some hero giving me the link for Boards.ie! When I got the xBox I spent ages trawling through the net looking for someone in the same boat as myself but couldn't find anything at all... I'll give it a go at the weekend although from the sounds of thing Pro Evo doesn't really work too well with the mobile broadband which is a shame as that's the one I'd be looking forward to the most. Sure we'll see...
Thanks again Shane.
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